I haven’t slept through the night in four years.

Yes, I’m tired.

Yes, I have days I feel like I’m holding on by my finger tips.

My four year old Wesley barely sleeps. When he was two months old he started having severe symptoms of a dairy allergy. Even though he was exclusively nursed, I ate dairy and he had tummy problems.

Every month it seemed like we learned he had a new food allergy or substance he was allergic to – 13 foods in all.We went to doctors and specialists and all kinds of holistic doctors multiple times a week and he was getting worse. He would sleep in 20 minute bouts, would barely eat, wasn’t gain weight and presented with high inflammation causing delayed speech, behavioral challenges and sensory processing disorders.

I spent my days researching and trying to feed him every hour, and nights walking the floor with him.

Up and down. A little better. Way worse.Around the terrible merry-go-round we went.

Then one day at a weekly weight check appointment, I got up and left before the doctor came in.I remembered who I was.

I had had enough. No one knew him like I did. Or had the 20+ years of healing and body knowing I did. I asked my guidance to send the healers he needed to us. That night we bought a Healy and the next day an osteopathic doctor came into our vortex.

The first time we used the Healy he slept for 2 hours straight.A year later with our new support and new heart-set around food allergies, he only has 4 allergies and most nights sleeps a couple hours at a time.

It was unconventional, pissed the doctors off and confused our specialists – and I’m totally good with that. I stepped out of the “everyone knows more than I do” mindset and started using my inner knowing to help Wesley.

It made us better and totally saved my rapidly fraying sanity.I’m more committed than ever to following what I feel is right which has never led me astray.

It takes courage, but it is SO worth it.

Wealth, Love, and Abundance,